Conversation Between Mogwai4111 and Rachael98

176 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha.. I should lease some of my profile space to advertisers and make a little money off of all those hits
  2. ...and you're about to hit 1.5k posts.
  3. Err, there's also this:
    "Recent Visitors
    The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
    *bawpotter *bobbyorr99 *greygull *joyirene *MrsShrek *pinkster73 *Rachael98 *redbites *sterlingempire *swiep07
    This page has had 153,944 visits

    That makes you pretty famous in my books too.
  4. That's aweome! Though I have to admit, I search my name a lot when starting a new race, I like to keep the rule pages uniform as much as I can, so I'm always looking back at how I did the previous ones before starting new ones.

    Nobody needs to know that though, so shhh we'll just pretend like I'm more famous than I really am
  5. Oh, Mog, you're officially famous here-go "Advanced Search" and check the 70 most searched tags. Mogwai is one of them!
  6. I see what you mean-my only problem is that we lose about 1 member of the congregation a fortnight to heaven and gain about 1 every month - 6 weeks! We are the main church in a busy town and our congregation is shrinking rapidly.
    However, you are correct. I will have to point this out to the PCC.
    Also, that is probably what your friend meant; although, my church is lovely with it's high ceilings, stained-glass windows etc. Very traditional, and very nice.

    PS: Deleted last post because it contained personal info, but I've copied it.
  7. Yea I think that may be what the person meant when they told me that. A fellow student and I were walking around Italy when he said it. In US its hard to find churches with high ceilings and great space, places truly worthy of a religous experience.

    I have no idea how to attract new members, but I feel strongly about not actively recruiting (like Mormons do). People should choose to go to church, not be told that they should go. I've been approached by many people, both publically and while in my home, by people that want to talk to me about God, and won't take no for an answer. That is definitely not the way to do it. People need to find it for themselves, like you and I have.
  8. We build modern churches; but the UK doesn't really build any grand ones at all, like the ones we used to have. I suppose they take too long.
    My church is so desperate for congregation. Do you have any tips on attracting them to us?
  9. Same here. Interesting fact, US is the only country that still builds churches. Learned that studying architecture. Still not sure I believe it, but I don't know otherwise.
  10. You still count as religious in my books. I generally express my religion through music (I sing in a "choir"* at church twice a week plus weddings and funerals and special services). I agree that it's very important. Money makes the world go round? According to the Bible, money can cause greed and evil. No, religion makes the world go round. It's what people believe in, what they feel.

    *I'm not sure about the US, but churches, particularly church choirs, are suffering as it loses members through old age and gets nowhere near enough new recruits. We do our best, but it's difficult. What about you?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 176
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