Conversation Between madaxman and lovefayse

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi Mr Raven's Girl...

    You can find the information on what you get on what islands if you go to the Treasure Hunters group page and check out the 'Forum Links' discussion. If you're collecting gems, the best islands are Trinity Island (via Incan Necklaces) and Abandoned Quarry (via Precious Materials). For both of these you have to use 41 energy units per treasure chest. Hmmm... you're going to think I'm a bit of a TS geek!

    Alan (alias madaxman, alias Man Tuesday).
  2. Hello, where did you say the page was where you can find out which items can be found on which islands?? Thanks.
  3. MrRaven is playing now, he's written on my wall.
    There are some real whack jobs out there...
  4. Hmmm... yes, I have seen all these things too! There has only been one message sent to me that disturbed me (and I'm not one that is easily disturbed). I took a screen dump and sent it to teamlava support, who, I understand, dealt with the offender (I suspect with a warning that if it continued (s)he would be barred).

    I'm sorry but I didn't understand your reference on my wall to 'dubstep'. 'Get it?' you asked... and, well, no, I didn't! I must be being thick this morning!

    Tell me... you said that Mr Raven got you addicted to this game but I have never seen Mr Raven in the community or writing on anyone's wall… or has he moved on to dominate the world?!
  5. Hahaha I just wanted to tell you the story. Oh my gawd... Treasure Story is the biggest Hookup Match making network ever... I'm just worried about these kids looking for boyfriends 11-16 I mean sorry if I had a kid under 16 they wouldn't be using the net unless I'm sitting next to them and it's for homework... I'm not even having kids so no use worrying about that! But yeah I get creeps with young kids calling each other cexy and someone said to one I wanna *beep* you and I know from talking to some of these people a lot of them are only 8-11 yrs old. I'm already noticing cyber bullying in the game...
  6. A bit personal for a thread? Maybe but I think it's lovely! You should put all that on the username forum! People do put things there that are kind of personal because that's what our usernames often are! Ah... Sydney... I remember sitting in an open-air place in the Rocks and watching the world go by... wonder if I'll ever get there again...
  7. Bahahahahaha that's a first!! Wow you are creative! See what happens when people choose silly ways of spelling every day words hehe...
    It actually came from when I used to play World of Warcraft. My friend there would always say 'Sadfayse' instead of doing a and someone called me Miss Dollface all the time... Nothing to do with my characters names... But I had made one as a combo of those 2 words which was Dollfayse. Then one day in a text message on iphone I called my boyfriend Angelfayse and he called me Lovefayse... Then it stuck in his auto correct from using it... That's the long drawn out version of the story... A bit personal for a thread hehe...
  8. Ha! I had lovefayse all wrong! I thought that your name was Fay and you were from SE Australia!
  9. Hello I forgot to mention I'm from Sydney and you are lucky to have seen more
    of this country than I have!
  10. Hello. Thanks for your reply!!! It's a name MrRaven calls me I picked it as a joke hehehe.
    It means Love Face just incase it sounds like Love Phase hahahaha.
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